Sunday, November 7, 2010

Accidental anecdotes

So, it has been quite a bit of time since we've updated our blog. Really, there has not been anything interesting happening...until now. Friday started off as any Friday would have. I went to work, taught some kids, and Taylor picked me up. Except he picked me up with his dad. Taylor's parents live about a 5 minute drive from us and we see them often so its not a big deal or huge surprise. Usually on Fridays we go to Taylor's parents for dinner and to play the wii. Taylor said we were going to swing by the house and pick up the wii and then head on over to the Seibold's (Seniors). We went to the house and spent more time there then planned (my dad and Danny got to talking). We left and headed down the route between my house and Taylor's parent's house we've driven over a thousand times I'm sure. However, Friday was different. We later discussed that our odds were up and we had met our number. The 1 out of 1000 time had come. We got into a car accident....

As we were driving on this access road (the roads that parallel the highway) I was sitting on the passenger side on the phone with a good friend. Danny was sitting behind me and Taylor was driving. So, I was not paying attention at all to the road. I just hear Danny exclaim, "Taylor!! That cars gonna run the stop sign!!" Our road was a straight shot. No light. No stop sign. No yield. Just go. However, there is another road that intersects it that does have a stop sign. But, this car didn't stop. At first, I thought it was going to hit me. But, then I thought it was going to hit Danny. But, thankfully, she hit the passenger trunk's side and the back wheel. We fish tailed quite a bit and thankfully there was no oncoming traffic. Taylor turned around and drove back to the lady. I called the police and then I called my doctor. She told me to go to Baylor Hospital to get monitored.

Unfortunately, our (only) car received quite a bit of damage. Although, it looked only cosmetic, when my dad and I followed Taylor back to the house the car looked and drove like a crab! Taylor said he had to have the steering wheel at a 90 degree angle to drive it straight and the tail was swinging back and forth. Now, we are just waiting for the claims to be processed and for us to get a check so we can put it toward's a new (new for us at least) car.

Taylor and I went to the hospital where they hooked me up for an hour for fetal monitoring. The baby was perfectly fine and I was too. I figured that much, but my doctor wanted to be sure. It also had a part that showed my contractions I didn't know i was having. They are just Braxton-Hicks ones. The nurse touched my stomach and said, "you're having a mild contraction." I said, "I am?" I'm pretty sure when they are the real deal I'll know and not mistake it for bad gas pains...hopefully! Anyway, it was a sad day for Taylor to lose his Betty (that's the name of his car). She was a good car for us. And hopefully we'll fine a new one soon that we will be able to afford.

1 comment:

Drew and Ally Tack said...

I'm glad you're all ok. That's so scary and really bad timing, but I guess everything works out in the end. Ever since I got pregnant I've been extra worried about other drivers on the road, especially when I'm on the freeway and can tell the person next to me is texting or something. Grr.

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