Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nursery updates!

The nursery is still very much a work in progress. There is just stuff everywhere. But I am still working on projects here and there. Taylor got the crib up the other week and it looks great.

Taylor inspecting his work.

There's even more stuff in the crib now...

Baby's real first bed. This will probably be in our room for the first few weeks. It's a hand-me-down from my sister.

I've also been working on some crafty projects. I'm in the middle of one right now and I have got one down. I made this lamp for the baby's room and I got the idea from a real cute book called, Kid Made Modern. It was really easy and fun to do.

The other project that is in the works is a bumper for the crib. I found the cutest fabric at a small fabric store in the cultural district of FTW. I just need to sew it together. I think I'll try to do that today so that I can post pictures soon.

Projects are fun! I have many more that I still want to do. I'll keep you updated.


A Tale of Three said...

Looks like you're just about ready:). I LOVE the lantern you made!

Leslie said...

your lamp turned out too cute! i'm so excited for you guys, can't wait for the nursery to be complete and full o' baby hugo! <3!

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