Sooo much has happened. I know a lot of you feel like you're way in the dark! I sent a text message of me going into the hospital and then was never heard of again. Here is what happened!
I woke up that morning at 7:00 and sat up in bed and realized that my water broke! How exciting! Finally! A sign of labor after 10 days past the due date!!
Taylor and I called our doctor and she told us to go to the hospital. I asked if I could take a shower and she said yes.
I took a shower and ate breakfast and then Taylor and I did research that said, do not go to the hospital there is no rush! You may have a higher risk of infection, because they will want to check your cervix and the amnionitic sac is no longer protecting the entire area.
So, Taylor and I decided to go on a walk and try to start labor that way. Unfortunately, it didn't work.
We decided to go into the hospital (against our better judgement). The first thing they did, Check my cervix! I was only a 2! Still a 2 after 2 weeks of being a 2!
I got checked in and they started me on Pitocin (which I didn't want to begin with. It was the beginning of a lot of things that I never expected). I didn't dilate from a 2 for about 10 hours. My water broke, but there was no labor.
They upped my pitocin and I started having contractions, but they just felt like bad menstrual cramps.
Soon, I became very aware that I was in for a long labor. At about 8 pm we decided to get an epidural to maybe relax my cervix and because I wanted to be able to sleep that night and I wanted Taylor to be able to sleep. And I was still only at a 2, but labor with a broken amniontic sac is pretty painful especially with pitocin.
That night I got a fever (an indication of infection). I had a fever all night. It went up to 103.2. The nurse was pretty worried and they called my doctor to let her know. I was shaking uncontrollably in bed and I thought i was just cold, but I was just feverish.
The next morning I still had a fever and the baby's heart rate was close to 200. The doctor was worried for the baby, but I had dilated to a 5 at least. They gave me medicine and my fever went down and the baby's heart rate went down too.
At about 8 am, the doctor checked my cervix and I was at a 7. She gave me two hours to get to a full 10 and if not I was going to have a c-section.
At 10, there was no change. The doctor said the baby was at the canal, but couldn't move down. They said it was time to get a c-section.
I got prepped by the anesthesiologist and given powerful drugs and soon I was being wheeled down the hall to surgery.
And the sleepiness began...
I felt so drowsy. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I asked the nurse if I could sleep and she said that was fine. She would wake me up during baby time.
I was in and out during the surgery. Taylor tried to get me to concentrate on him, but I couldn't. My eyes would keep drooping down. I only recognized it was him by his eyes, because he was all scrubbed up. I think I was only there for 30 minutes, but I did hear the doctor say, "there is no way this baby is coming out with these cheeks!"
One of the nurses told me that Hugo would have to be in the Neonatal intensive care for 5 to 7 days. I couldn't make out what she was saying. I just heard 5 to 7 days.
The rest of Tuesday I was asleep or dopey. I couldn't make sense of anything. I couldn't go see my baby either.
Anyway, Hugo was in the NICU for 4 days. He was on oxygen for 2 and they were checking him for infection. They took blood cultures (sp?) and placenta tests.
Most of the days I was just visiting Hugo during feeding periods and pumping for him what I could at the time.
His blood cultures came back negative for infection, but they wanted to check the placenta just in case.
The placenta was infected, but only on the mother side. Hugo's side was not infected and his umbilical cord was clean. He could go home! We roomed in the last night and went home Saturday.
Now, our adventures with our little one has begun.