Monday, October 19, 2009

The Regular

I have recently become semi obsessed with blog templates and trying to make my blog extra cute. I keep changing the template and stealing stuff from other blogs. Its really become a huge waste of time, but you know what? I'm having fun, dang it! It also makes me want to get out the ole' scrapbook and try my hand at it. I have so many things I want to get into right now. I think I go through these fads, but these past ones have really stayed with me. I want to take a sewing class so I can make clothes (this is because I've been watching too much Project Runway), I want to scrapbook, I want to play the guitar, I want to have a cute blog, and I want to keep practicing soccer! So many fun things to do!

Anyway, I'm getting carried away with all my aspirations. Last weekend we had a fun gathering with Anthony and Angie! It was really nice to be with old friends. Its great making new friends, but there is nothing like old friends. I'm definitely an old friend kind of person. Not too much into making new ones. haha Just kidding...a little. Anyway, they came over with Shelby and we talked and fawned over Jasper (really cute puppy)and played Scategories. Scategories is basically my favorite game. I think they liked it too!

We had fun and laughed until it was way late for us old married folks. I've been really busy at school trying to become the best teacher I can be. I absolutely love my kids. Sometimes they're loud, but they are really good kids and they really do work hard. If they fail its going to be because of me, and that really scares me. So, I'm trying to do my best at being better prepared and a better teacher. They are so great and cute! We have fun. I love fifth grade. I never imagined I'd teach fifth grade, but things just fall into place and now I know how perfect the fifth grade really is for me.

Oh, and Pandora is awesome! I've been listening to it for a week straight. Whenever I'm home its on. Way better than radio. I've found a whole bunch of new bands that I never knew I was going to love. Thanks internet!

Till next time!

1 comment:

A Tale of Three said...

I love your new blog template! I especially like the thing at the bottom of the blog that tells how long you've been married. You'll have to show me how to do that sometime when you aren't too busy learning new ways to be even cooler :) Love ya chica!

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