Wednesday, March 18, 2009

All is well

So, the first good news I have to report is that I finally have a job! Thank goodness. Taylor and I are really grateful and happy that we finally got a job. I had a total of four interviews, but this one pulled through and I think its one that actually fits me the best. I am really glad. I don't start for a few more weeks, but I don't really mind too much. This means I can still play with Aaron (my nephew) on the days my brother needs a sitter and read lots and lots of books. Taylor is still doing school and he likes it, but he is quickly tiring of the long drive. I suggested that we could move to Stephenville, but I guess he doesn't mind the drive too much, because he said he didn't want to do that. We are happy with where we are now. We see our families often and we really enjoy that. Our next trip will be back to Utah! We're going to our friends Drew and Allyson's temple wedding in May and we're excited to see old friends again. So, until I have a funny story to tell...that's all she wrote!

1 comment:

A Tale of Three said...

Yay for jobs! If you moved to Stephenville, you'd get tired of the drive though...maybe you could compromise and live in weatherford or something...

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